Community Marketing Toolkit
Promotional Resources
Download free promotional print resources from the Live 5-2-1-0 Resource Hub to promote the app within your organization and across your network.

The Live 5-2-1-0 App: Information for Healthcare Providers
Outlines how the app can be used in clinical practice to support children and families with behaviour change. This single page flyer is great for raising awareness of the app with local healthcare providers, across professional associations, or at conferences. The app can be a useful tool for many healthcare providers including family doctors, pediatricians, dietitians, psychologists, school nurses, and physiotherapists.
The Live 5-2-1-0 App: How it works
This resource provides families with a step-by-step guide of how to use the Live 5-2-1-0 App.
The Live 5-2-1-0 App: Flyer for Families
Provides a brief overview of what the Live 5-2-1-0 App is and its features. This single page flyer is great for promoting the app in reception areas, doctor’s offices, businesses or to include with take-home info packages.
The Live 5-2-1-0 App: Promotional Postcard
A 4 x 6” double-sided card to help raise awareness of the Live 5-2-1-0 App and promote usage among families – a great addition for take-home bags or handing out at fairs and events. This resource is designed for professional printing only.
The Live 5-2-1-0 App: Poster
A professional print-ready 11 x 17” poster that can be hung in clinic rooms, school hallways, community centres, libraries, childcare centres or anywhere else in the community where families spend time.
Email or Newsletter Story Template
Building healthy habits just got easier!
Announcing the launch of the Live 5-2-1-0 App – Version 1.2! The Live 5-2-1-0 App is designed to motivate children to adopt healthy behaviours around healthy eating, screen time and physical activity through simple goal setting and fun weekly challenges.
Co-created with families and healthcare providers in BC, the app asks kids about their daily behaviours, suggests healthy habits to work on, and guides them through the steps of building custom goals. All activities are tracked along the way, and fun rewards (chosen and provided by families) can be earned for completing goals. Watch this short video to learn more!
The app is available for FREE from Google Play or the App Store.
We encourage community partners from all sectors to visit the Live 5-2-1-0 Resource Hub for promotional materials like posters, flyers and post cards to help share the news and encourage families to download the app today, to live 5-2-1-0 every day!
Live 5-2-1-0 is an initiative of BC Children’s Hospital that partners with communities across BC to promote and support healthy behaviours among children. Live 5-2-1-0 helps build partnerships and opportunities to create healthy environments where kids can eat well and be active where they live, learn, and play. Visit to learn more!
Social Media Posts
- @Live5210 has launched their NEW #Live5210App. The app is designed to help kids build healthy habits and work towards living 5-2-1-0! Families can download the app for free from the App Store or Google Play to start setting weekly goals, tracking activities, and earning fun rewards!
- Building healthy habits just got easier for kids! Families can download the #Live5210App to work on healthy eating, physical activity, cutting back on screen time, and more. This goal-setting app is now available for free from the App Store and Google Play.
- The #Live5210App makes goal-setting fun for kids! Build healthier habits by setting weekly goals, tracking activities, and earning fun rewards. Watch this quick video to learn more:
- The #Live5210App allows for up to six separate profiles on one device. Get the whole family involved and start building #HealthyHabits today!
- The #Live5210App helps kids build #HealthyHabits by setting weekly goals, tracking activities and earning fun rewards! Don’t worry – the app was designed with screen time in mind and does not encourage kids to spend more time on their device than necessary.
- The #Live5210App helps kids build #HealthyHabits by setting weekly goals, tracking activities and earning fun rewards! All rewards are provided by families but options include both low- and no-cost rewards like playdates with friends, picking the playlist for a day, visiting a new park, and other activities with family.
- @Live5210 has launched their NEW #Live5210App to help kids build healthy habits! Help us share the news with families in [YOUR COMMUNITY NAME]. Visit the Live 5-2-1-0 Resource Hub to download promotional materials like posters and flyers – print and pin these up on local notice boards, in clinic waiting rooms, or school newsletters!
- Ready to #Live5210? Let’s go! Download the #Live5210App from the App Store or Google Play today.
- Download the #Live5210App today to #Live5210 every day!
Add hashtags to expand the reach of your posts. Here are a few examples: #Live5210App | #Live5210 | #HealthyHabits | #HealthyGoals | #HealthyEating | #PhysicalActivity | #ActivePlay | #LessScreenTime | #ZeroSugaryDrinks | #GoalSetting
Attach an image to increase the visibility of your post and help engage your audience. Download from the Resource Hub: Live 5-2-1-0 App: Promotional Image for Social Media.