Healthcare providers play a key role in promoting healthy behaviours among children, and supporting families on their journey to building healthier habits.
Families place a lot of importance on the recommendations of healthcare providers. By integrating discussions on healthy living behaviours into routine patient-provider interactions, it helps foster a positive relationship where families feel supported in taking steps towards building healthier habits. The Live 5-2-1-0 message is a useful tool to help healthcare providers open up discussions to see where families are at in regards to healthy eating, physical activity, and screen time.Health authorities and healthcare settings – e.g., community health centres, family physician offices, hospitals – are ideal environments for promoting and supporting Live 5-2-1-0. Live 5-2-1-0 resources can be distributed directly to children and families, and the Live 5-2-1-0 framework can help connect together aligning programs and services across the community.
What can the health sector do?
- Distribute Live 5-2-1-0 resources (e.g. Tip Sheets for Families, Live 5-2-1-0 Fact Sheets) to pediatric patients and their families during appointments and in waiting rooms
- Display the Live 5-2-1-0 message in clinics and health centres (e.g. computer screen savers in clinic rooms, Live 5-2-1-0 Weekly Tip Poster in waiting areas)
- Use the Healthy Habits Questionnaire and/or Live 5-2-1-0 message to help engage patients and families in discussion around healthy behaviours (healthy eating, limiting screen time, and increasing physical activity) as part of routine practice at pediatric appointments
- Connect families to resources and services in the community that support them finding healthy options
- Participate in community events that promote Live 5-2-1-0 and/or support healthy lifestyles
How are partners in the business sector using Live 5-2-1-0 resources?
The following is a list of examples of how different communities have used the Live 5-2-1-0 resources and tools available for download from the Live 5-2-1-0 Resource Hub:
How are healthcare providers supporting Live 5-2-1-0?
The following is a list of examples of how stakeholders in different communities have implemented action in their sector to support Live 5-2-1-0:
- Healthcare providers in the Fraser Health region share the Live 5-2-1-0 message through posters in doctors’ offices and hospitals, information pamphlets at pre- and post-natal clinics, at one-year vaccination appointments, and during routine visits.
- Partners in Chilliwack collaborated with their Division of Family Practice to develop a Family Physician Toolkit that includes tips and resources on Live 5-2-1-0 for physicians, who then share that information with their patients and families.
- Fraser Health’s Healthy Schools Public Health Nurses work with local school districts and individual focus schools to promote wellness and empower children and youth in their health. In addition to distributing Live 5-2-1-0 resources, they also integrate the Live 5-2-1-0 message into their presentations given to students.
- Healthcare providers in several outpatient clinics at BC Children’s Hospital use Live 5-2-1-0 messaging and resources to support their pediatric patients in managing conditions or recovery following treatment.