Checklist of Ideas for Sharing & Supporting Live 5-2-1-0 - School

This checklist provides an opportunity for schools to reflect on their progress in helping to create a healthier community environment for children and families. It lists some ideas, and examples from our Live 5-2-1-0 partners, on ways to promote the 5-2-1-0 guidelines and support healthy behaviours in the childhood education sector, and has additional space to add in your own.

In the Spring of 2023, we updated the 'Checklist of Ideas for Sharing & Supporting Live 5-2-1-0 - Schools' to ensure the language used, programs listed, and resources recommended are still accurate and relevant. Since the original resource was created, food and nutrition education has changed in British Columbia (BC). BC’s Teach Food First model supports a positive and inclusive approach to eating with a focus on food exploration.

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